Documentos de puntos de conversación en español—Talking Points documents in Spanish


Five Talking Points course documentation handouts, translated into Spanish.

Acoso y discriminación en el lugar de trabajo (Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace)

Handouts of the Talking Points for this course are now available in Spanish. The Talking Points can be used to provide further understanding of the course, while giving reminders of things discussed in the program.

The course objectives include:

  • Preventing and responding to harassment and discrimination occurring in the workplace
  • Identifying the company communication system for reporting workplace harassment and discrimination.


Prevención del acoso sexual en el lugar de trabajo (Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace)

Handouts of the Talking Points for this course are now available in Spanish. The Talking Points can be used to provide further understanding of the course, while giving reminders of things discussed in the program.

The course objectives include:

  • Identifying sexual harassment in the workplace
  • Demonstrating compliance with the Company policy on prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace
  • Identifying the Company communication system for reporting workplace sexual harassment.


Sensibilidad cultural (Cultural Sensitivity: Achieving Cultural Competence)

Handouts of the Talking Points for this course are now available in Spanish. The Talking Points can be used to provide further understanding of the course, while giving reminders of things discussed in the program.

The objectives of the course include:

  • Explaining the values of cultural sensitivity
  • Identifying actions that demonstrate lack of cultural sensitivity
  • Defining cultural blindness
  • Listing five areas to discuss with a resident or their family to identify and incorporate cultural preferences into care provision
  • Describing how a lack of cultural sensitivity can negatively impact the workplace.

Comprensión de los elementos de un programa de cumplimiento y código de conducta (Elements of a Compliance Program and Code of Conduct)

Handouts of the Talking Points for this course are now available in Spanish. The Talking Points can be used to provide further understanding of the course, while giving reminders of things discussed in the program.

The course objectives include:

  • Identifying affected individuals who must receive training about Compliance and Ethics requirements
  • Understanding why training about compliance and ethics is mandated by government agencies
  • Listing at least three Compliance and Ethic Program Elements
  • Identifying three values that are part of the Code of Conduct
  • Explaining information to a co-worker on how to report a concern that non-compliance is occurring.

La privacidad: es responsabilidad de todos (Privacy – It is Everyone’s Responsibility)

Handouts of the Talking Points for this course are now available in Spanish. The Talking Points can be used to provide further understanding of the course, while giving reminders of things discussed in the program.

The course objectives include:

  • Defining Protected Health Information (PHI)
  • Identifying reasons when PHI can be released without consent and to whom
  • Identifying HIPAA privacy requirements
  • Identifying social media myths that may impact privacy
  • Explaining why texting of PHI is restricted to specific secure devices.
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