Armed Thieves Target Narcotic Drugs in Alabama Nursing Home Robbery
Wearing masks and armed with handguns, two people entered an Alabama nursing home at 3 a.m. on a Wednesday morning. The pair were focused on stealing drugs and asked frightened nursing home staff members to give them whatever was in a locked narcotic box.
Wearing masks and armed with handguns, two people entered an Alabama nursing home at 3 a.m. on a Wednesday morning. The pair were focused on stealing drugs and asked frightened nursing home staff members to give them whatever was in a locked narcotic box.
A local police lieutenant said he believes there is usually a pattern to this type of crime and that nursing homes are what they described as “soft” targets with a lot of security in place. However, most of that security is aimed at protecting the residents with behavioral issues or who are elderly and might wander away from the premises—not on preventing unauthorized persons from entering the facilities.
The officer also indicated that the surveillance video captured images of the pair, and it appears to have been a man and a woman. The police are working on reaching out to law enforcement in neighboring communities to determine if they have had similar incidents that would indicate a pattern of robberies.
The police report that the thieves stole about $5,000 worth of narcotics.
Compliance Perspective
Failing to have a security system in place to prevent unauthorized persons, e.g., armed intruders, from gaining access to the facility at night may be considered a flaw in a facility’s Emergency Preparedness Plan required by federal regulations.
Discussion Points:
- Review policies and procedures regarding the facility’s Emergency Preparedness Plan and response to workplace violence.
- Train staff on the facility’s Emergency Preparedness Plan regarding workplace violence situations.
- Periodically audit the effectiveness of the facility’s Emergency Preparedness Plan regarding workplace violence situations using mock drills, particularly focused on second and third shifts and during weekends.