QAPI / Risk Management Perspective Policy/Procedure: Policies and procedures need to
Failure to perform Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for residents when their
Repeated failure to protect residents from potential harm that
Allowing and/or assisting residents in the use of medical marijuana
Failure to provide appropriate preventive maintenance of the nursing home’s
Failure to prepare and maintain a “best practices” active shooter
Accepting residents with dementia without proper licensure and the ability
Repeated systemic failures to ensure that “Do Not Resuscitate” (DNR)
Failure to respond promptly and put into place a strong
Routinely serving hot drinks without protective lids, thereby increasing the
Could failing to prevent unauthorized persons from gaining access to
Could the failure of a nursing home to provide adequate
Could providing insufficient food or food that does not meet
Would the theft of fentanyl intended for pain management of
Could the failure of nursing home staff to ensure that
Could a lack of sensitivity to the traumatic impact on
Does failure to properly prepare and serve food according to
Does failure to manage residents’ pain and mismanagement of a